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After fifteen years of absolute dedication to my Taller del Artista (The Artist’s Studio) project and the creation of these sacred cloths, I still consider myself an apprentice in the complex world of textiles.  I have much respect for this medium and make an effort to reawaken its sacred nature through banners that pray for humanity and the world.  I have been tirelessly making them since 1999, in the spirit of someone who prepares for a medieval or spiritual war.

The new pieces have been made with great care, and with invaluable materials.  A team comprised of wonderful people, the ‘cloth workers’: Paula Ortiz, Shirley Portugués and Martha Ruiz, have lovingly and carefully worked in this collection.  The first of the pieces in the series, ‘Transmutación’ (‘Transmutation’), formed part of the international exhibition ‘Milagro’ (‘Miracle’), in the Central Museum of Art and Textiles in Lodz, Poland, in April 2014.

My proposal for the world
Religious syncretism as a path for peace.
2014 Series

A song for freedom.
The creation of these symbols assembled and printed in the form of banners, in diverse materials, brings an important intrinsic message for Humanity.

A profund desire to find equilibrium and  raising our voice in silence.

I feel inspired by the assurance of having completed one more cycle, which places us in the sixth orbit around the sun.  The birth of a new era brings us closer to Universal Spirit that makes us Human and allows us to face a new rebirth.

At this moment in time, we must choose our future: to establish ourselves as a species that threatens the planet, or to evolve into a new state of consciousness allowing us to accept what we are,  one sole species HUMAN. This is the time for unification. It is time for necessary awakening of brotherhood between all communities in the planet. A key moment where Love is the way.

The ideological struggle about the nature of the Creator of the Universe has been a war without truce. Fanatical convictions about multiple baseless beliefs.  Throughout the ages, this struggle seems to have found no centre.  This is due to politics backed by great economic supremacies and to false prophets that masquerade as religious leaders.  They revolve the masses around false deities, whose face seeks only to increase the economic welfare of the world’s superpowers.



Versión español

alegoria frente     alegoria dorso    canto frente canto dorso
 flor frente  

 flor dorso

  padre nuestro frente padre nuestro dorso
 rezo del agua frente    rezo del agua dorso    sincretismo frente  sincretismo dorso
 transmutacion frente  

 transmutacion dorso














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